April 14-20th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week
April 14- 20th 2024
Third Week of Easter

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 19:11-20
1 Corinthians 11
1 Samuel 18:1-9
Psalm 121

Verse to Memorize
Nehemiah 9:6

Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 11. What are God’s works of providence? A. God’s works of providence are, his most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all his creatures, and all their actions.

People to Pray for:
Church:  Clearnote Church
                 Pastor David Abu-Sara
Ministry:  Michael Foster- Romania
Civil Magistrate: Indiana State Representatives
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 19:11-20
Verse 13 A foolish son is destruction to his father, And the contentions of a wife are a constant dripping.
“Home is where the heart is.”- Attributed to various authors

Pliny the Elder died in 79 AD during the eruption in Pompeii. He is most often attributed to saying, “Home is where the heart is.” His point is that we all have an attachment to the place and people we call home. We think of home as a safe place in the world. It is good to be rooted in a particular place and people. God created the family to be this place. Scripture says it is a blessing to have a fruitful wife and many children. Family is a good thing…until it isn't.

The proverb reminds us that sinfulness can do much to destroy a home. A father loves his son and wants to be proud of him, but a foolish son is a great affliction and, as Matthew Henry says, “may make a man wish a thousand times he had been written childless.” A son who is lazy, lacks godly ambition, spends his life following youthful lusts, wastes his time and money on frivolous pursuits, is a grief to a man. He is a disgrace to the family and often will bring the whole home to ruin. For an extreme example, consider how the parents of Ethan Crumbley, the young man who shot up a school, were convicted to 10-15 years for their negligence. Their son’s foolishness cost them dearly. That is an extreme example, but there could be countless examples of families disrupted by foolish children as they grow up.

If it were not enough that a man’s home could be disrupted by foolish children, consider the constant drip, drip, drip of a contentious wife. In the 15th century, Lorenzo Valla, a Renaissance humanist, first described what has come to be known as Chinese water torture. A person is held down and water is slowly dripped onto their head over a long period. This process causes fear and mental deterioration in the subject. The pattern of the drops is often irregular, and the cold sensation is jarring, causing anxiety as one tries to anticipate the next drip. This is what it is like to live with a contentious wife. Often her contentions follow no pattern other than her emotional whims. Her husband spends a lot of time trying to keep her happy, but it seems to be to no avail.

Wives are meant to be a help to their husbands. They do this by having a quiet heart and a submissive attitude. What a blessing it is to a man to have a wife who does him good. But the wife who fights and argues with her husband over every decision, who shows him no respect, and who can't be quiet makes the heart long for someplace other than home.
The home, because it is where we want our heart to be, can therefore be either a great comfort to us or a place of great distress. Therefore, it is vital that a man be wise. A verse later, Solomon says, “Discipline your son while there is hope, And do not desire his death.” Godly discipline is designed to drive foolishness out of the heart of children. A wise man with much patience, diligence, and faithfulness can work hard at preventing a foolish son. A wise man will raise his children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. But even with all that work, it will take much more prayer. We must have God work in the hearts of our children. God promises generally to work in their hearts as we are faithful. Therefore, while there is hope, before it gets too late, do that work. Don’t waste the first years of your children’s lives by refusing to discipline foolishness. Spend that time wisely, and it will produce fruit.
A wise man will also work hard at choosing a godly woman to be his wife. And again, this requires lots of prayer. Proverbs 19:14 says a prudent wife is from the Lord. A wise man will pray that God brings him a godly wife and, when he is married, will continue to pray for his wife. He will also lead his wife as Christ leads the church. He will set the example in the home and work hard (not to please his wife as if that is his chief end) but to please God.
Some men will sadly have to bear with a contentious wife. He should have our pity and prayers. He will need a great deal of wisdom and grace to bear this affliction and still be faithful. He can still be faithful and trust God to deal with the heart of his wife.

1 Corinthians 11
Up to this point in this letter, the Apostle Paul has addressed two major issues that were undermining the unity of the church- the divisions they were making over who had evangelized them and over eating meat sacrificed to idols.   Now his attention changes to matters dealing specifically with their worship gathering.  The issue at hand is still the unity of the church but the specifics are issues dealing with their coming together in worship.  In this chapter, the Apostle Paul will deal with the decorum during worship in particular the order of man and woman and how this is conveyed in head coverings. The second issue is the way that the people were taking the Lord’s Supper.   In coming chapters, he will deal with other issues regarding the worship gathering.  

What we do when we come together matters.   Christ has saved us from sin and called us out of the world to be worshippers of God.   We are no longer mere individuals but members of the body of Christ.  We are to come together and worship the Lord together.   In our time of worship, the glory of God is to be our focus.  We don’t come together to have all eyes on us.   It is about Christ and his good name.   Now Christ is good and gives us gifts like the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper as a sign and seal of his covenant promises to us.  The manner in which we take this Supper is to be according to Christ’s command and it should be for His glory.

Getting into the specifics, I want to share with you an article on head coverings that I think faithfully deals with this issue.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/q37b9zou7y3mbqv/Head Coverings.pdf?dl=0

There are usually a lot of questions that arise on this issue and I think that article does a good job of dealing with them.   The point I want to highlight is that this passage makes it clear the order of God’s creation.  God made woman for the man.   This means she is his helper and she should submit to him.  This passage also makes it clear that woman is the glory of man.  Man is the glory of God and woman is the glory of man.   In other words, women are beautiful and every husband ought to take joy in his wife.   He ought to care for and protect her.   Since she is the glory of man, bringing this around to the worship gather,  it is clear that its not man’s glory but God’s glory that should be the focus.  Whatever your position on headcoverings, women should make sure that they do not dress in ways that bring undue attention to themselves.   They ought to dress in a way that lets God get the glory.   Look to that article for the specifics on headcoverings.

Regarding the Lord’s Supper I want to share with you this video that our own Brad Crone and I put together to teach about the Lord’s Supper.  I explain in this video what God requires of us to take the Lord’s Supper. https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/sovereign-king-lessons

Finally, remember that it is the peace and purity of the Church that Paul is addressing.   When we drift away from the Bible’s teachings, it disrupted the peace and purity of the Church.   We should make sure that as we come together to worship that we obey Christ and seek the good of His church.

1 Samuel 18:1-9
In the aftermath of David’s defeat of Goliath, God was moving in the hearts of even Saul’s household to make sure that David would take over as king.  The faithful ambition of David and God’s mighty work through him, impressed even Saul’s son, Jonathan.  Jonathan loved David.  Now in our day of sexual confusion, this passage is often abused to say something it is not.  This is because we don’t understand true brotherly love.   Those who are in Christ have their hearts knit together by God.   A godly man will love other men who serve God.   In our day, masculine friendship is so lacking.   We often feel so alone.  But when we give ourself to serving Christ and His church, our faithful men will be drawn together.  Jonathan and David are a band of brothers.  Their bond in Christ can’t be broken even by the natural bonds of family.  
Give yourself to serving God.  And look out for other faithful men.  Work hard at developing biblical friendship.   Listen to the sermon from this past week to hear more….

Psalm 121
Verse 6 The sun will not smite you by day, Nor the moon by night.
One of the amazing things about watching the eclipse this week was how lifting our eyes towards the heavens reminds us of how small and powerless we really are. There were several articles that I came across that spoke of a phenomenon some called Eclipse Anxiety. That is, the sight and thought of the sun being blotted out can have a disturbing effect. With all the might, wisdom, and wealth of the world, we are still vulnerable to whatever the sun or moon would do. If solar flares fire off the sun, they impact our Earth whether we want them to or not. We are simply not in control. The universe is vast and we are so small.
This song is a comforting song as it reminds us of God’s protection and preservation. He made the heavens and the earth. He holds the universe in the palm of His hands. He knows the number of the stars and He also knows the hairs on your head. Nothing is beyond His touch. For His people, this is such a comfort. He protects His people so that even the sun and the moon cannot harm them. God is in control and He doesn’t take time off. He doesn’t slumber nor does He sleep. He cares for His people and, most importantly, He will protect and keep them from evil. He will guard and keep their soul.
Even though things in this life are out of our control, they are not out of His control. Yes, sometimes bad things happen, but they are not random events. Even in the calamities of life, God is awake and working for the good of His people.
Let this be a comfort to you. As you prepare for worship (remember, this is a song they would have sung climbing the steps up the temple mount to worship), remember the goodness of God. Remember that He keeps you. Get a good night's rest and leave all your worries to Him. Rather, worship Him with joy and serve Him with gladness. He is our help.

Catechism Questions
Here are some Additional Question from the Sovereign King Family Catechism.  These can help you in teaching the Westminster Question.  The Westminster Question is the one they will need to memorize for the last Sunday of the Month.
Q. 4. How can you glorify God? A. By loving him and doing what he commands.
Q. 5. Why ought you to glorify God? A. Because he made me and takes care of me.

Example Prayers for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Clearnote Church

Heavenly Father,
We lift up Pastor David Abu-Sara and his steadfast commitment to Your kingdom. As he has been a friend and a close ally to our Pastor Joseph, let their bond in brotherhood and faith serve as a pillar of support and wisdom. Both their flocks, mirroring each other in size and spirit, grapple with the same trials and triumphs. We ask You to fortify Pastor David with unwavering zeal and vigor in his ministry, that he may continue to shepherd his congregation with strength and conviction.
We pray also for Pastor David's family, his devoted wife who tirelessly tends to their home, and their children. Grant them health, patience, and joy amidst life's challenges. May their home be a haven of peace and godliness, reflecting Your love and grace in every corner. In times of sickness and hardship, provide them with Your healing touch and the wisdom to nurture their young ones in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
For the elders of Clearnote Church, we seek Your guidance in maintaining both the peace and the purity of their assembly. Instruct them in Your ways, that they may lead with humility, integrity, and a firm adherence to Your Word. Let their leadership be marked by a love for the flock, a zeal for Your truth, and a commitment to the spiritual wellbeing of every soul under their care. Through their governance, may Your church flourish, standing as a beacon of light and truth in a darkening world.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Michael Foster Romania
Lord Almighty,
We come before You to lift up Michael, Your servant, as he navigates the challenges of being both a missionary and a pastor in Romania. Thank You for the opportunity You've given him and his wife to return to the United States, to share their journey and to rally support for Your work. May their efforts be fruitful, Lord, and may You use their testimony to bring glory to Your name. We pray earnestly that You provide for all their financial needs, equipping them abundantly for the mission field. Grant Michael the strength and faith necessary to persevere through trials, to serve with zeal, and to impact lives for Your kingdom.
Father, we also intercede for the hearts that will hear the gospel through Michael’s ministry. Soften them, Lord, that they might receive Your word with joy and that the seeds planted would grow deep roots, resulting in a bountiful harvest for Your glory. Reignite the flame of Your truth in Romania, drawing many to the salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Empower Michael and his wife with Your Spirit, that their work may contribute to a mighty revival in hearts, transforming lives and communities in accordance with Your will.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray Amen.

Indiana State Representatives  
Heavenly Father, we bring before You the Indiana State House of Representatives, seeking Your wisdom and guidance to be upon each member as they undertake the responsibility of legislating for the welfare of the people. Grant them discernment to enact laws that uphold justice, promote peace, and foster the flourishing of all Indiana's residents. May they serve with integrity, humility, and a keen awareness of their accountability not just to their constituents, but to You, O Lord. Strengthen them to resist the temptations of power and personal gain, that their decisions may reflect Your righteousness and love. In all things, let Your will be done through their leadership, for the glory of Jesus name, in which we pray, Amen.

Church History Spotlight
Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr
19 April 1012

Alphege (Elphege, AElfheah) was born about 953, during the second major period of Viking raids against England. He became first a monk and then a hermit, and then was appointed Abbot of Bath. In 984 he became Bishop of Westminster. In 994 King Ethelred the Unready sent him to parley with the Danish invaders Anlaf and Swein. The Anglo-Saxons paid tribute, but Anlaf became a Christian and swore never to invade England again. He never did. In that same year Alphege brought the newly baptized King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway to a peaceful meeting with King Ethelred, and to his confirmation at Andover. (Remark: "Unready" does not mean that the king was often unprepared; it means that he was headstrong and stubborn, and would not accept "rede," meaning counsel or advice.)
In 1005 Alphege became Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1011 the Danes overran much of southern England. The payment of the tribute agreed on did not stop them, and in September they captured Canterbury and held Alphege and other prominent persons for ransom. The others were duly paid for and released, but the price demanded for Alphege was a fantastically high 3,000 pounds.  Alphege, knowing the poverty of his people, refused to pay or let anyone else pay for him. The infuriated Danes, at the end of a drunken feast, brought him out and repeated their demands. When he again refused, they threw various objects at him (large bones from the feast, for example) and finally an axeman delivered the death-blow. Their chief, Thorkell the Tall, tried to save him, offering all his possessions except his ship for the Archbishop's life. By his death Alphege became a national hero.

When the Dane Cnut (Canute) became King of England in 1016, he adopted a policy of conciliation, and in 1023 he brought the body of Alphege from London to Canterbury, where he was long remembered as a martyr, one who died, not precisely for professing the Christian faith, but for exercising the Christian virtue of justice.

 A prayer of thanksgiving for Alphege:
O loving God, whose martyr bishop Alphege of Canterbury suffered violent death when he refused to permit a ransom to be extorted from his people: Grant that all pastors of your flock may pattern themselves on the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for the sheep; and who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.
Announcements for the Week  
Enrollment Open:       After 3 1/2 years of development, the day has finally arrived. Enrollment is open for the Sovereign King Academy 2024-25 school year. Apply online at www.sovereignkingacademy.com ($50/family application fee is payable online at the end of the application). If you have friends or family interested in applying or who would like more information, please send them to this link or give Pastor Greg Anglen their contact information.  

Please also be in prayer as we will be starting our "Launch Campaign" this week to raise funds for the school! More details to follow. 
Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Shawn Crone, Rowina Spurgeon, Gabby Fluhr and Maddie Sands.
  • Clearnote Church: Pastor David Abu-Sara has been a great friend to our pastor, Joseph. He and Joseph talk frequently and are able to give each other comfort and support in the ministry. Our churches are about the same size and have many of the same strengths and weaknesses. Clearnote Church has many couples with young children. They have been dealing with sicknesses and working on training these parents in godly parenting. Pray for Pastor David that he would continue to have the same zeal and strength for the ministry. Pray for his large family and wife as she helps care for the home. Pray for the elders to maintain the peace and purity of the church.
  • Michael Foster-Romania:  Michael is a missionary and pastor in Romania.  Recently he and his wife were able to return to the United States to share their experience with churches and raise support for the work.  Pray that God would use that trip for His glory.   Pray that God would provide all the finances that Michael needs for his work as well as the strength and faith to carry out that work.   Pray for those who will hear the gospel that they will believe and that the gospel will take root again in Romania.    
  • Indiana State Representatives: The Holy Spirit speaking through the Apostle Paul teaches us to pray for those in authority. Specifically scripture says “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”  Pray for the Indiana House of Representatives that they would have boldness to make laws that accord with the law of God.   Pray that little children will be protected and that the liberties of the people of Indiana upheld. 
  • Growing Kids God’s Way:  Class at 5-7 PM Sunday. Don’t forget to do your homework.
  • Kings Men and Daughters of the King:  6:00-8:00 PM 5 years and up.  We are continuing to work through the Westminster Larger Catechism. 
  • Thunder Over Louisville: April 20 Join us as we preach the gospel and hand out tracks to thousands of people along the riverfront.  This is one of our largest outreaches of the year.  We will be able to park in the parking lot beside the church.   Outreach will be from 3-7 PM.  
  • Genevan Pub:  April 21
  • Women’s Bible Study: April 24
  • Kentucky Derby Outreach: May 4
  • Men’s Kayaking and Camping: May 17-18 For men and teenage boys who can swim, we will be kayaking and then camping along side the river. Register here. https://subsplash.com/sovereignkingchurch-jeff/lb/ev/+3bwv4ns
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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